Blue enamel Les Paul Mesh 3LT back
Blue enamel Les Paul Eyeball 3LT back
Red enamel Les Paul eyeball back 3LT
Red enamel Les Paul Mesh 3LT eyeball back
Black enamel Les Paul Mesh 3LT back
Black enamel Les Paul Eyeball 3LT back
Red enamel Les Paul FC Parry large print back
Black enamel Les Paul FC Parry large print back
Logo Large print FC Parry back
4001 Bass Not even sure I still have this pin...
Black Les Paul Medium grid 2LC yellow logo
Blue acoustic w/Cowboy Hat Small grid 4LC back
Black Les Paul Weave back 3LT yellow logo
Some of these pins are still in original packaging....that's why the scans are kind of fuzzy!